Well data compilation |
AEM data acquisition |
AEM date processing |
Interpretation of AEM Data |
Uncertainty analyses |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
10% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
10% |
0% |
Butte |
100% |
100% |
100% |
50% |
10% |
- Indian Wells Valley – The AEM data have been acquired, processed and interpreted. The first version of the hydrogeologic conceptual model has been developed.
- Butte County - The AEM data have been acquired, processed and interpreted. The first version of the hydrogeologic conceptual model has been developed. A description of the work and a link to the report can be found at the Butte County website.
- San Luis Obispo – The AEM data have been acquired and processed. Interpretation of the data is now underway.
Step 1
Engage with the local agency to clearly identify the groundwater management questions linked to SGMA implementation.
See results, recommendations, and useful materials
Step 2
Develop the Data Management System that will enable data sharing among project participants and with stakeholders.
See results, recommendations, and useful materials
Step 3
Compile existing data such as well completion reports and geophysical logs along with geologic cross-sections and subsurface models.
See results, recommendations, and useful materials
Step 4
Design the AEM survey to fill in the data gaps so as to answer the groundwater questions.
See results, recommendations, and useful materials
Step 5
Acquire the AEM data using the helicopter-deployed system, with outreach in the local area to explain the objectives and procedures of the survey, and to address any health and safety concerns.
See results, recommendations, and useful materials
Step 6
Analyze the AEM data to obtain models of electrical resistivity, the geophysical property that is measured.
Step 7
Interpret the resistivity models to extract the information that we need, e.g. mapping of aquifer and aquitard units.
Step 8
Integrate all data to generate the hydrogeologic conceptual model using a computational framework that allows us to explore the range of possible models that are compatible with the data.
Step 9
Answer the management questions while acknowledging uncertainty so as to inform decision-making for sustainable groundwater management.