Presentations & Publications
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Power Point Presentation
- Agencies often want to explain the purpose of the AEM survey to residents of the area and to their technical advisory groups. The linked power point presentation can be used for that purpose.
GAP Presentations
- The Indian Wells Valley Brackish Groundwater Study, A Multi Beneficial Groundwater Study by Ryan Alward, Don Zdeba, Tim Parker, Max Halkjaer, presented at the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Fall Conference, San Diego, California, November, 2018.
- Where do we lack information? MPS realizations can tell you where to drill! by M. L. Gulbrandsen, N.-P. Jensen, and T. M. Hansen, presented by M. L. Gulbrandsen (oral presentation) at the Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems (SAGEEP), March 2018
- Building Hydrogeologic Conceptual Models from Airborne Electromagnetic Data: Developing the Optimal Workflow (pdf) by Rosemary Knight, Jared Abraham, Ted Asch, Esben Auken, Kara Baker, Ahmad Behroozmand, Carolyn Berg, Christina Buck, Jim Cannia, Noah Dewar, Paul Gosselin, Todd Greene, Max Halkjær, Niels-Peter Jensen, Casper Mejer, Tim Parker, Jacob Vind, Don Zdeba, presented by Rosemary Knight (oral presentation) at the Groundwater Resources Association Western Groundwater Congress, Sacramento, CA, September 2018.
- Estimating the Depth to the Water Table from Airborne Electromagnetic Data, by Noah Dewar and Rosemary Knight, presented by Noah Dewar (oral presentation) at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 2018.
- The Indian Wells Valley Basin in California – Danish Solutions as Part of Reaching Sustainable Water Resources Management by M. Halkjaer, E. Auken, P. Thorn, and A. Behroozman, presented at the Danish Water Forum, January 2019.
- Salt and Fresh Water Interaction and Airborne Electromagnetic Surveying- Opportunities and Limitations by Max Halkjaer, presented (oral presentation) at the American Groundwater Trust (AGWT) Annual Groundwater Conference, Ontario, California, February 2019.
(The IWV was used as one of two cases.) - Multiple Point Statistics – A Case Study from Indian Wells Valley, California (YouTube), M. L. Gulbrandsen by T. B. Rasmussen, N.-P. Jensen, V. T. Le, T. M. Pallesen, P. Thorn, and M. Halkjaer, presented by T. B. Rasmussen (oral presentation) at the AGU-SEG Airborne Geophysics Workshop, Davie, Florida, June 2019.
- Estimating the Depth to the Saturated Zone from Airborne Electromagnetic Data (YouTube) by Noah Dewar, Seogi Kang and Rosemary Knight, presented by Noah Dewar (oral presentation) at the AGU-SEG Airborne Geophysics Workshop, Davie, Florida, June 2019.
- Application of Airborne Electromagnetics to Characterize Structure and Stratigraphy in the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin, California, Timothy K. Parker, Max Halkjaer, Ahmad Ali Behroozmand, Paul Thorn, Don Zdeba, September 2019: 46th IAH congress held in Malaga, Spain, Poster Presentation.
- Update from the GAP (Groundwater Architecture Project): Advancing the Use of Airborne Electromagnetic Data for Groundwater Management, Rosemary Knight, Jared Abraham, Ryan Alward, Ted Asch, Esben Auken, Ahmad Behroozmand, Bill Brown, Christina Buck, Jim Cannia, Noah Dewar, Ray Dienzo, Paul Gosselin, Todd Greene, Max Halkjær, Courtney Howard, Niels-Peter Jensen, Seogi Kang, Catherine Martin, Casper Mejer, Tim Parker, David Shimabukuro, Sharla Stockton, Jacob Vind, Don Zdeba, September 2019, Groundwater Resources Assoc. of California, Sacramento, CA, Oral Presentation.
- Estimating the Depth to the Saturated Zone from Airborne Electromagnetic Data, Noah Dewar, Seogi Kang and Rosemary Knight, September 2019, Groundwater Resources Assoc. of California, Sacramento, CA, Oral Presentation.
- Advancing the Use of InSAR Data through Integration with Geophysical Data, Rosemary Knight, Ryan, Smith Matt Lees, Tom Lauknes, Meredith Goebel, Jared Abraham, Theodore Asch, Jim Cannia, December 2019: American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Invited Oral Presentation.
- Interrogating the Model Space of AEM Inversion to Answer Hydrogeologic Questions, Seogi Kang, Todd Greene, and Rosemary Knight, December 2019, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Oral Presentation.
GAP Publications
Estimation of the Top of the Saturated Zone from Airborne Electromagnetic Data(pdf) Noah Dewar and Rosemary Knight, GEOPHYSICS 0: 1-56. (2020)
AEM for Investigation of Natural and Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Indian Wells Valley Basin, California, M. Halkjaer, B. Brown, P. Thorn, D. Zdeba, T. K. Parker, Fasttimes, Vol 24, p. 44- 47, July 2019.
The effect of power lines on time-domain airborne electromagnetic data, Seogi Kang, Noah Dewar, and Rosemary Knight, GEOPHYSICS, E123-141 (2021)